Predefined Filters


In this section we will go through how to use predefined filters with Teamwork web part.

Manage Filters

Manage filters option will be visible in Teamwork front page after some filters are selected. From there the users are able to create a own URL and save it to bookmarks or if user has edit permissions the selected filter are also possible to save to current page.

Add to bookmarks

With Add to bookmarks all users can create their own URL which will be saved to user's own bookmarks and that bookmark will always take user to the page where selected filters are already applied.

step-by-step Save to this page

  • Filter Teamwork dashboard as you wish
  • Click Manage Filters
  • Select Add to bookmarks

Save to this page

  • Copy the URL and add it to your bookmarks

Save to this page

Save to this page

Save to this page can be used to save set of predefined filters for all users. To be able to use Save to this page option user must have editing permissions for current page.

step-by-step Save to this page

  1. Filter Teamwork dashboard as you wish
  2. Click Manage Filters
  3. Select Save to this page

Save to this page