Sensitivity labels
Sensitivity labels allow you to classify and protect content that is sensitive to your business. Starting from version 2.0 Teamwork supports the sensitivity labels used to protect content in Microsoft Teams sites, Microsoft 365 groups and SharePoint sites. Please see Microsoft Documentation for more information how to apply sensitivity labels.
Please note that using sensitivity labels require at least one Azure Active Directory Premium P1 licence in your Azure AD organization. For more information about licensing, please see following Microsoft documentations:
In order to use sensitivity labels with Teamwork the service account have to be in use. For more information about service account requirements, please see Install/Accounts Requirements
Using sensitivity labels on templates¶
Teamwork allows admins to define on template level whether sensitivity labels are used or not. To change or view template's sensitivity settings navigate to Teamwork Admin site (e.g. https://{tenant} and open Templates tab.
Next choose the wanted template and select Edit template behind three dots.
From Privacy section choose whether sensitivity labels are used or not.
If sensitivity labels are not used, admin is able to define privacy and external user settings for the template. If sensitivity labels are in use, privacy and external user settings are set according to the used sensitivity label when team, group or site order is submitted.
Known limitations¶
It is not possible to add sensitivity labels to classic sites or Yammer-enabled groups where Yammer is a default app (Interest Group).