Lifecycle Management


Starting with version 3.0 there is a possibility to create template level lifecycle policies, so that all the workspaces created with the template will be automatically archived based on the lifecycle policy. For this auto archiving functionality Valo Teamwork Enterprise license is needed.

Renewal notifications are emailed to workspace owners 60 days, 30 days, 15 days and one day before the workspace is automatically archived. Group owners must have Exchange licenses to receive notification emails. During renewal period group owners can extend lifecycle policy either from group info panel or from workspace summary web part. If a workspace is not renewed, it is archived along with its associated content from sources such as SharePoint and Teams.

In addition to assigning policies to templates, it is also possible to apply life cycle policy to existing workspace.

Create New Lifecycle Policy

To create a new life cycle policy navigate to Teamwork Admin page, e.g. https://{tenant}, and open Settings tab.

Click on New Policy and fill in the policy details to Create new Teamwork policy panel:

  • Title - name for the lifecycle policy
  • Description - optional, description for the lifecycle policy
  • Archiving in days - set a lifetime value for workspaces either using predefined values or by adding value manually. Lifetime value must be greater than or equal to 180 days.
  • Archiving mode - choose whether archiving is based on creation date or some other Date and Time metadata
  • Email contact for workspaces with no owners - to witch email address notification emails are sent if workspaces has no owner
  • Logic App/Power Automate URL - optional, A POST request will be sent to that configured URL when Group auto archiving is performed. The body of the request is designed with the following JSON-schema to contain 4 string values which are posted in the body of the request:
    "properties": {
        "groupId": {
            "type": "string"
        "webUrl": {
            "type": "string"
        "displayName": {
            "type": "string"
        "archivingStatus": {
            "type": "string"
    "type": "object"

Click on Create and Finish.

Create new Teamwork policy

Assign Lifecycle Policy to Template

To assign lifecycle policy to template navigate to Teamwork Admin page, e.g. https://{tenant}, and open Templates tab.

Select Edit template behind three dots next to template you wish to edit. Expand the Policies section form the Edit template panel. Select the policy from Lifecycle Policies dropdown and click on Save

Assign lifecycle policy to template


Selected life cycle policy will be applied to all workspaces created based on this template.

When users are ordering a new workspace from Teamwork dashboard there is an icon next to Template name indicating that the template has lifecycle policy associated. Users can see more information about the assigned policy by hovering the icon.

Order new workspace template listing with assigned policies

Apply Lifecycle Policy to Existing Workspaces

Administrators can assign lifecycle policies to existing workspaces from Teamwork Admin site. Lifecycle policy can be added to one or more workspaces at the same time. If workspaces already have some other lifecycle policy assigned, it will be overridden by the new one.

Apply lifecycle policy to existing workspaces

  • Navigate to Teamwork admin site, e.g https://{tenant}
  • Open Groups tab
  • Select one or more groups from groups listing
  • Click on Apply lifecycle button
  • Choose the lifecycle policy to be applied from drop down

Apply lifecycle policy to existing workspaces

Customize email templates

Administrators can modify the default lifecycle email notification templates from Teamwork Admin site. Valo Teamwork has two default templates for lifecycle notifications:

  • ArchivingNotificationTemplate.html - used when notification about workspace archiving is sent
  • RenewalNotificationTemplate.html - used when notifications about renewal is sent

Modify renewal notification template

  • Navigate to Teamwork admin site, e.g https://{tenant}
  • Open Site Contents to view site's content
  • Open Teamwork admin assets list
  • Open Email Templates folder
  • Open Email Templates folder
  • Edit the notification template html file either in browser or using the editor you want
    • do not change the file name
    • email content can be found from end of the template inside tags
    • there are few variables that are replaced by the code with the information about workspace to be archived
      • {teamworkWorkingplaceName} - name of the workspace to be archived
      • {teamworkSharePointAddress} - url address of the SharePoint site of the workspace to be archived
      • {teamworkDaysLeft} - how many days are left before workspace is archived
  • Save the template

Localize email templates

In case there is need to localize email notification templates, it is possible to translate the email content with the steps mentioned above and save the file using the language culture name in the end of the file name, for example:

  • archiving notification for Japan: ArchivingNotificationTemplate.ja-JP.html
  • archiving notification for Swedish:
  • archiving notification for Finnish:
  • renewal notification for Japan: RenewalNotificationTemplate.ja-JP.html
  • renewal notification for Swedish:
  • renewal notification for Finnish:

Notifications will be send based on user's preferred language user property, and if there isn't template for user's preferred language, the default template (without language culture name) will be used.

Modify existing lifecycle policy

To edit an existing life cycle policy navigate to Teamwork Admin page, e.g. https://{tenant}, and open Policies tab.

Locate the policy you wish to edit from policies list and click on Edit Policy to open the Edit Policy panel and edit the policy information.

Click on Save after the needed changes are done.


Note that any changes made will affect the templates and workspaces that are currently using the policy

Modify life cycle policy

Delete life cycle policy

To delete an existing life cycle policy navigate to Teamwork Admin page, e.g. https://{tenant}, and open Policies tab.

Locate the policy you wish to delete from policies list and click on Delete Policy. Click on Delete to confirm the deletion.

Delete life cycle policy

Life cycle information

In case workspace has life cycle policy applied the policy information is shown in following places:

  • Group info
  • Workspace summary web part
  • Groups listing in Teamwork Admin (only text)

Life cycle info in group info / workspace summary

Life cycle information in workspace summary web part with the option to expand lifecycle

Life cycle info in groups listing

Life cycle information in Teamwork Admin site Groups tab