Category Association


From Teamwork Admin site administrators are able to associate categories to one or more M365 groups or Teams. Categories can be associated to either groups that already have category and metadata or groups that don't have any category or metadata. Category association will limit only category and metadata, it does not apply any other template specific configurations.

Associate Category

Associate Category

  • Navigate to Teamwork Admin site, e.g https://{tenant}
  • Open Groups tab
  • Use no metadata filter in case you wish to see only groups without metadata
  • Select one or more items from groups listing
  • Click on Associate Category

Associate category

  • Select a category to associate with from template list

Select category to associate

  • Click on Next
  • Fill in needed metadata values for chosen category

Fill in metadata

  • Click on Next
  • View all items that will be associated with chosen category. Marked workspaces already contain category and one or more metadata fields that will be overwritten.
    • Select Override existing metadata fields' values, in case there is workspaces that already contain category and you wish to apply new category to these workspaces

Override existing

  • Click on Associate to start category associate process
  • From the final step of the category association wizard, admins can view the succeeded and failed items from collapsible list

View succeeded

  • Click on Finish to close the panel.