Azure Functions Settings


This page contains information about Teamwork Azure functions app settings.

App settings:

App setting Description Default value
AzureWebJobsStorage Connection string to Azure table storage
AzureWebJobsDashboard Connection string used for storing logs
TeamworkAADDomain Tenant name in the following format: {tenant}
TeamworkAdminSiteUrl TW admin site url
TeamworkAppId App id of ValoTokens AAD app
TeamworkAppSecret Secret of ValoTokens AAD app
TeamworkClientId App id of TW Sharepoint app
TeamworkClientSecret Secret of TW Sharepoint app
TeamworkGroupNamePrefix Prefix added to all groups created via TW
TeamworkGroupNamingPolicyO365 Flag indicating should TW uses group naming policy from O365. If false TW will use policy defined in app settings false
TeamworkGroupSchemaExtensionName Group name extension name for storing group types
TeamworkGroupSyncThreadChunkSize Thread chunk size for groups synchronization 300
TeamworkGroupSyncDelayMsec Delay between CSOM/Graph calls in milliseconds 100
TeamworkServiceAccountUserName Service account user name
TeamworkServiceAccountPassword Service account password
TeamworkTimerIntervalPopulateGroups CRON expression for specifying frequency of groups synchronization process 0 */15 * * * *
TeamworkTimerIntervalArchivedTeamsFinder CRON expression for specifying frequency of archived teams sync process 0 */15 * * * *
TeamworkTimerIntervalExtractTeamTemplate CRON expression for specifying frequency of team extraction process 0 */15 * * * *
BindingRedirects Binding redirects used by Azure functions
TeamworkShowUndiscoverableTeams If it is true, then undiscoverable groups will be displayed on Discovery tab False
TeamworkGroupSyncMaxGroupsToSync Set limit how many groups will be synchronized from Graph to Azure storage table during one run of Group sync web job. By default it is not limited, but if there are many groups, sync may fail with timeout errors after few hours of work. Limiting number of groups to synced on one run will help to avoid this error.