Customize Labels

Customize Labels

Some of the terms (labels) visible in the Teamwork UI can be customized to fit the specific business requirements of the customer.

Label Key Description Position in UI
NavMyWorkspacesTitle Label of the groups tab NavMyWorkspacesTitle
NavFavoritesTitle Label of the favorites tab NavFavoritesTitle
NavDocumentsTitle Label of the documents tab NavDocumentsTitle
NavDiscoverGroupsTitle Label of the discover groups tab NavDiscoverGroupsTitle
Valo Teamwork Dashboard
GroupsListHeader Label of the Groups collapsible section (in the new split view) groups-list-header
SitesListHeader Label of the Sites collapsible section (in the new split view) sites-list-header
Order Form
OrderRequestWorkspaceMenuTitle Label of the Request workspace button order-request-workspace-menu-title
OrderNewGroupWizardNoAvailableAllowedTemplates New Order Wizard - Message when no template is available for the current user order-new-group-wizard-no-available-allowedt-emplates
OrderNewGroupWizardDoneDetailsApproval New Order Wizard - First text line of order creation confirmation message (when order approval is enabled). The token ${groupType} can be use to refer to the selected template order-new-group-wizard-done-details-approval
OrderNewGroupWizardDoneDetailsNotify New Order Wizard - First text line of order creation confirmation message (when order approval is enabled). The token ${groupType} can be use to refer to the selected template order-new-group-wizard-done-details-notify
OrderNewGroupWizardDoneDetailsNoApproval1 New Order Wizard - Second text line of order creation confirmation message (when order approval is enabled). The token ${groupType} can be use to refer to the selected template order-new-group-wizard-done-details-no-approval1
OrderNewGroupWizardDoneDetailsNoApproval2 New Order Wizard - Second text line of order creation confirmation message (when order approval is disabled). The token ${groupType} can be use to refer to the selected template order-new-group-wizard-done-details-no-approval2
OrderNewGroupWizardNewOrderPlacedDescription New Order Wizard - Description of the confirmation step of the new order wizard (success) order-new-group-wizard-new-order-placed-description
OrderNewGroupWizardOopsDescription New Order Wizard - Description of the confirmation step of the new order wizard (error) order-new-group-wizard-oops-description
OrderNewGroupWizardWentWrong New Order Wizard - Description of the confirmation step of the new order wizard (error) order-new-group-wizard-went-wrong
OrderNewGroupWizardError New Order Wizard - Order creation failure secondary error message order-new-group-wizard-error
OrderNewGroupWizardDone New Order Wizard - Order creation success main message order-new-group-wizard-done
OrderNewWorkspaceTitle New Order Wizard - Title (at template selection step) order-new-workspace-title
OrderNewSiteTitle New Order Wizard - Title (when a site base template is selected) order-new-site
OrderNewGroupTitle New Order Wizard - Title (when a group base template is selected) order-new-group
OrderNewGroupWizardStep1Description New Order Wizard - Description of the step 1 (Template selection) order-new-group-wizard-step1-description
OrderNewGroupWizardStep2Description New Order Wizard - Description of the step 2 (group or site details) order-new-group-wizard-step2-description
OrderNewGroupWizardLoadingTemplates New Order Wizard - Loading templates message order-new-group-wizard-loading-templates
OrderNewGroupWizardCreatingOrder New Order Wizard - Loading message when a new order is being created order-new-group-wizard-creating-order
OrderNewGroupFormSiteDescription Order Form - Description order-site-description
OrderNewGroupFormSiteOwners Order Form - Ordering Site, Site Owners order-site-owners
OrderNewGroupFormSiteMembers Order Form - Ordering Site, Site Members order-site-members
OrderNewGroupFormSiteVisitors Order Form - Ordering Site, Site Visitors order-site-visitors
OrderSiteTitleDescriptionDefault Order Form, Order Site Title order-group-site-description-default
OrderGroupTitleDescriptionDefault Order Form, Order Group Title order-group-title-description-default
OrderNewGroupFormSiteOwnersDescription Order Form - Ordering Site, Description for Site Owners order-new-group-form-site-owners-description
OrderNewGroupFormSiteMembersDescription Order Form - Ordering Site, Description for Site Members order-new-group-form-site-members-description
OrderNewGroupFormSiteVisitorsDescription Order Form - Ordering Site, Description for Site Visitors order-new-group-form-site-visitors-description
TermsAndConditionsAccept Order Form - Check box text for accepting Terms and conditions terms-and-conditions-accept
TermsAndConditions Order Form - Terms and Conditions link terms-and-conditions-link
Valo Teamwork workspace
WorkspaceTypeProduct Valo Workspace type shown in group card in Teamwork dashboard workspace-type-product
WorkspaceTypeProject Valo Workspace type shown in group card in Teamwork dashboard workspace-type-project
WorkspaceTypeTeam Valo Workspace type shown in group card in dashboard workspace-type-team

To customize any of the labels listed above, open your Teamwork web part settings for editing. Choose UI Settings - Set custom values for labels. For the Locale, enter the language in which you want the custom label to appear (e.g. 'en-US' without the hyphens). For the Label key, select one of the above from drop down. For the Customized label value, enter your preferred locale.

Customizable Labels View